From Heart to Heart: Building Bridges of Compassion for Gaza

Witness the Strength and Unbreakable Spirit of Gaza Through Stories

Welcome to HeartToGaza, a platform where compassion meets action. Our mission is to create a bridge between kind-hearted individuals worldwide and the people of Gaza in need.

HeartToGaza is more than just a donation platform; it's a community of empathy and solidarity. People in Gaza can register on our platform, share their stories, and list their essential needs with estimated costs. Donors worldwide can browse these needs and contribute directly to specific items or stories. Each request is verified to ensure trust, and we provide updates on the impact of donations, creating a sense of connection and impact.

By joining HeartToGaza, you'll be part of a community that sees the direct impact of its contributions, fostering a deeper connection between donors and recipients. It's a unique opportunity to make a meaningful difference in people's lives. Let's bring hope and assistance to Gaza together, one heart at a time.

Famine in Gaza is imminent, with immediate and long-term health consequences.”

— World Health Organization